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security companies in san antonio

When burglary or theft reports are reviewed, it is striking how many similarities there are in the reports. Often, doors and windows were left unlocked, alarm systems were not activated, a few homes were not properly illuminated, and many doors had dead bolt locks – but, they were not used. While you are performing your spring cleaning be sure to take a look at your home like a burglar might do, and try to make your home more resistant to an intruder. Below is a security check list which may assist you as you take on this important task. It is OK to take an “Us against Them” attitude when it comes to home security and your personal safety because home security really does matter. Examine your front and back door locks and make sure they are properly working. The doors are a burglar’s most common means of entry. Know that a steel or solid core door, not a hollow core door, is more resistant to forced entry. Replace a push button knob lock with a deadbolt lock to add more resistance. Many homes have double hung windows which can be “pinned” by installing a pin in the lower window sash. Keep your garage door closed when the garage is unattended.

Posted by Anonymous at 3:19PM | (0 comments)

alarm monitoring houston

These three components alone can range from minimalistic to advanced. The control unit is the main operating panel for your home security system. This unit receives the signals from the sensors placed around your home, and triggers the alarms or contacts the home security center to notify them of any trouble whenever appropriate. The control unit may be powered by electricity that runs in your home, or by battery power. Some systems are set up so that if the power in your house goes out, a battery backup will kick in and run the control unit until power is restored. Once the power flips back on, the backup battery system will automatically recharge.

Posted by Anonymous at 3:19PM | (4 comments)

home security systems ct

Wireless home security systems are specifically designed for homeowners and owners of small businesses. An ADT wireless home security system provides ease of installation and a 24 hour level of security monitoring. Many homeowners who have purchased an ADT monitored home security alarm system are extremely satisfied and believe the alarm system has made them more safe and secure. As a result, many customers are recommending ADT monitored alarm systems to their friends and relatives. Home security systems provide protection from fire and burglaries, while also providing homeowners with peace of mind. Even if you do not live near a high crime area, a security system may be necessary. No more sleepless nights worrying about safety and security for your home or business property. A security system may allow you to have good night’s sleep, assured with the knowledge that your ADT security system is monitoring your property 24 hours a day. ADT monitored home security systems from ProtectYourHomedotcom are designed and priced with the needs of each customer in mind. They are one of the most cost effective security systems available. If you are thinking about purchasing a security system, ProtectYourHomedotcom is currently offering a FREE home security system, valued at $850.

Posted by Anonymous at 3:19PM | (6 comments)